Summer Fly Control for Horses in the UK: Keeping Your Equine Friends Happy and Healthy

Title: Summer Fly Control for Horses in the UK: Keeping Your Equine Friends Happy and Healthy


As summer approaches, horse owners in the UK face the annual challenge of dealing with pesky flies. These insects not only cause discomfort to our equine companions but can also lead to various health issues. Implementing effective fly control measures is essential to ensure the well-being of your horses during the warmer months. In this blog post, we will explore some valuable tips and strategies to help you combat flies and keep your horses comfortable and content.

Understanding the Importance of Fly Control:

Flies can be more than just a nuisance. They can cause significant distress and potential harm to horses. The constant buzzing and biting can lead to skin irritation, allergic reactions, and even painful conditions such as dermatitis. Additionally, flies are known carriers of diseases, including equine infectious anemia and pigeon fever. Therefore, it is crucial to take proactive steps to control fly populations and minimize their impact on your horses.

1. Stable and Pasture Management:

Maintaining clean and hygienic stables and pastures is fundamental in reducing fly populations. Regularly remove manure and soiled bedding from stalls, as flies are attracted to these areas for breeding. Dispose of waste properly to prevent flies from returning. Use fly repellent sprays or wipes on stall surfaces and bedding to deter flies and create an inhospitable environment for them.

For pastures, consider rotating grazing areas, as this can help break the fly breeding cycle. Remove stagnant water sources and ensure adequate drainage to eliminate potential breeding sites. Avoid overgrazing, as taller grass can act as a barrier against flies and reduce their numbers.

2. Fly Sheets, Masks, and Leg Wraps:

Invest in quality fly sheets, masks, and leg wraps to protect your horses from direct contact with flies. Fly sheets provide a physical barrier against biting insects and offer UV protection for sensitive skin. Masks with attached mesh screens shield the eyes, ears, and face, reducing irritation and minimizing the risk of eye infections. Leg wraps or fly boots safeguard the lower limbs from fly bites and help prevent stomping or excessive leg movement caused by flies.

Regularly check and clean these protective gear items to ensure they remain effective throughout the summer season.

3. Fly Repellents and Insecticides:

Fly repellents are valuable tools in your fight against flies. Choose fly sprays or wipes specifically formulated for horses, and apply them as directed. Apply repellents to the horse's coat, paying attention to areas prone to fly bites, such as the neck, chest, and legs. Opt for natural or organic repellents if preferred, but ensure their efficacy through careful evaluation.

Consider using insecticides around the stable and pasture perimeter to reduce fly populations. Consult with professionals or follow product instructions carefully to ensure the safe and effective use of insecticides.

4. Fly Traps and Predators:

Fly traps and predators can be employed as additional methods of fly control. Various types of traps are available, including sticky traps, baited traps, and electronic traps. Place these traps strategically around the stable and pasture areas to lure and capture flies. Regularly clean and maintain the traps to ensure they remain effective.

Introduce natural predators like fly-eating wasps, beneficial nematodes, or chickens to your stable or pasture if appropriate. These predators can help control fly populations by feeding on fly eggs, larvae, and adult flies.


Keeping flies under control during the summer is essential for the well-being of your horses. By implementing a comprehensive fly control strategy that combines stable and pasture management, protective gear, repellents, and traps, you can significantly reduce the fly population and create a more comfortable environment for your equine friends. Regular monitoring, flexibility in strategies, and adapting to your specific circumstances


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